Duff's Dining Room - Virginia's Finest - One Mile South Winchester, Va., on U.S. 11
postmarked 1953
Duff's No. 2 - postmarked 1954
These two postcards are postmarked a year apart, and there are a few differences, mainly that the sign has changed. The blurb on the back of the cards is identical except in 1953 its cost was cited as $100,000 and in 1954 it was $115,000. A few punctuation marks were changed, too.
Duff's $100,000.00 [$115,000.00] custom built, stainless steel dining car, is air-conditioned; with a built in luxury dining room. It is the finest in Virginia. Located only 1 mile South of Winchester, on U.S. Highway #11. Duff's is surrounded by many of Virginia's finer motor courts.
Operated and owned by Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Duff